Thursday, November 21, 2013

Fall and Halloween

We soon discovered that Halloween is celebrated over here. Not quite the same, but we were able to make enough of an event out of it that we weren't too homesick!

Here are the kids on the day we got out all of our Halloween decorations.
Pumpkins are very common here, displayed outside home and many people do carve them right before Halloween. Here is the front of our house decorated a bit. A Dane came by and complimented me on our "American Halloween decorations". ...I guess they don't do skeletons and Keep Away signs!
 Here we are getting carving our pumpkins. Both kids were very excited about this this year, clearly.
Tivoli Gardens opens up for 2 weeks at Halloween so we took the kids with some friends there for an afternoon (well, actually Ron was there with Raegan riding roller coasters for 8 hours!). The park looked great - very festive. The kids were skeletons for this event.

 I made my usual Halloween cookies again this year - they take so long I had to take a photo of them drying.

We were invited to a friend's Halloween party on Halloween night - it was very good fun. During the party we took the kids trick-or-treating on their street. Apparently its becoming more and more common to do this in Denmark, which we were pleasantly surprised by! However, I will say the candy selection is not at all the same. The selection of individually wrapped candy at the stores here is pretty much non-existent so it was quite the free for all as to what the kids got in their baskets - random gummy candies, marshmallows, licorice (of course here!), peanuts, and Yes, one of the girls in our group came back from a house with a disgusted look on her face and said " I just got an apple!!". haha (there are lots of apple trees here). We did not have the issue this year of our candy stash lasting into the New Year!

Here are the kids ready for the party - Raegan the Mermaid and Wyatt is Tow-Mater (from Disney's Cars).

Guess Who??!!
 All the ladies thought alike for the party (i.e, what is an easy costume? Yes, a witches hat!)

While we missed our old Halloween traditions in Austin, we were able to make a fun, festive Halloween this year in Denmark - good fun!

1 comment:

  1. That little Raegan and her poses, how funny. Little Wyatt is just a sweet mess, I can't wait to see them.
