Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Backyard fun

Baxter has become such a better dog since we moved in to our house. He actually PLAYS, something we saw briefly only when he was a puppy. He loves the snow and the cool weather. The fence here is similar to chain link on most sides of the yard so he can see out more as well. It helps the next door neighbors have bunnies - the bottom picture here is where they live - it's about 10 feet on the other side of our fence. 
relaxing in the snow
chasing Raegan being pulled in the sled by Ron
The bunnies next door

Ron got us a sled when we moved in, Raegan loved it - Wyatt loved it until he flipped off once - now he's cautious of it.

We gave the kids a big suprise that we had shipped with us in our container - a trampoline. They love it to say the least - so far it seems it will take the place of a pool in terms of wearing the kids out.

Bouncing fun
We brought most things from our yard in Austin, the kids missed it.

1 comment:

  1. Another try. We enjoy the videos.
